Delivered in schools by our team of scientists and expert facilitators, secondary and transition year workshops tailored to each group’s interests, schedule and abilities.

Strong links are made to the national curriculum, with specific, practical actions each student, teacher, and school can easily implement to make a significant environmental impact.



Students will be presented with the most up-to-date climate science, and be asked to critically look at the issue of climate change. Students will discuss and debate their views on climate change, and take part in group activities which question the best ways to tackle the problem.



limes square

There are many simple ways we can reduce our food waste and this workshop explores why reducing food waste is vital for a healthy planet. Participants are encouraged to reflect on their own contributions to food waste before developing solutions to the issue.




This workshop enables participants to truly understand how much waste they are producing. Through activities and group-work, we delve into the different types of waste, how they are commonly disposed off, how they should be disposed of, and why it’s ultimately harmful to the planet to live a high consumerist lifestyle.



This workshop looks at where our energy comes from and the environmental effects of depending on fossil fuels as our primary source of energy. Participants will look at ways to reduce their own carbon footprint by looking at hidden energy, the energy in waste, and transport.



Critically engages with issues of what is equitable and just, and what will minimise harm to our planet. Exploring global citizenship themes enables student to grow more confident in standing up for their beliefs, and more skilled in evaluating the ethics and impact of their decisions.



This workshop provides participants with information on how to responsibly use water, and discusses the hidden water involved in producing everyday items. It encourages communities to respond effectively to water pollution and reduce their water consumption by highlighting the ways people can reduce water waste in everyday life.


6 Steps to a Greener Wardrobe | Slow Fashioned | Moda ...


Explore the topic of Fast Fashion through a global citizens perspective and dig in to the challenges, root causes, consequences and solutions to an industry that has a huge impact on our planet. We look at our roll as responsible consumers and explore what actions we can take. This workshop shines a light on easy actions we can take in our daily lives in order to reduce our clothing consumption. It allows time for the participants to ponder and understand why they should buy and consume less for their health, and the health of planet Earth.



– If you would like to register your interest please do so at [email protected]





1.5 hours per workshop | Held in the classroom | Up to 3 workshops per day.
Modified to suit each class, and designed to complement the national curriculum.

For more information and bookings contact one of our education team: [email protected] | (01) 883 2185

All of GAP’s educators are professionally trained and experienced in the delivery of education workshops, 
have a science/environmental science background, are Garda vetted and trained in child protection.
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