Global Action Plan has an array of fun-filled Christmas tips to share with our supporters.
This page collates some of the Eco-Christmas suggestions we have published on social media.
Click on the news pieces below and learn more about how you can have a festive and eco-friendly Christmas season.
Sustainable Christmas: Christmas Tree
It’s Day Seven of ‘Sustainable Christmas,’ and Global Action Plan is looking into how best to celebrate with the Christmas Tree! And so, the age-old question continues, should it be
Sustainable Christmas: Decorations
As we enter Day Six of the Sustainable Christmas programme, the ‘big day’ is hot on our tails! Therefore, Global Action Plan thought we’d investigate the best possible Christmas decorations
Sustainable Christmas: Food
The Global Action Plan ‘Sustainable Christmas’ conversation has reached its fifth day, and today we are discussing how best to save on harmful waste through the theme of food!
Sustainable Christmas: Heating
It’s Day Four of ‘Sustainable Christmas,’ and Global Action Plan believes it is crucial to investigate more planet-friendly festivities through the lens of heating.
Sustainable Christmas: Transport
It’s Day Three of Global Action Plan’s Sustainable Christmas programme, and today we are discussing some tips and tricks on how to travel around this Christmas season in the most
Sustainable Christmas: Waste
For Day Two of the Sustainable Christmas Initiative, we focus on the theme of ‘Waste.’ Each Christmas, “around 5 extra sacks […] of waste are produced per household,” which roughly