It’s Day Seven of ‘Sustainable Christmas,’ and Global Action Plan is looking into how best to celebrate with the Christmas Tree! And so, the age-old question continues, should it be a real tree, a plastic tree, or are there any new, planet-friendly ways to celebrate the festivities?

  • Thirdly, you can use a potted Christmas tree. The tree can live in your garden for most of the year, and you can bring it indoors for the December festivities.

  • And finally, a new solution to this age-old problem has offered the idea of renting a Christmas tree! Recently, more and more organisations have come to the conclusion that a novel answer to the Christmas Tree conundrum is to rent a tree. Fundamentally, the idea is simple: vendors provide a real tree for the Christmas season, and then all the customer has to do is return the tree after the festive period, [and] trees are replanted so that they can be rented out again next year.” 

In short: There are a range of eco-friendly ways to celebrate with a Christmas tree – so no one has to miss out on the full festive experience! 

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