Round 2 has begun

The second phase of an innovative campaign to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions is taking place in County Kildare this week.

In the “Sustainable Kildare Climate Action Challenge”, employees of companies based in the county will take part in a 3-week challenge to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

Sustainable Kildare live dashboard
Click on the image above to view the live dashboard

The challenge is organised by the County Kildare Chamber, sponsored by Intel, and powered by Global Action Plan’s ‘Ducky’ platform.

“Over the next three weeks, people working in Co. Kildare will be recording the actions they will be taking to try and reduce their impact on our planet,” said Hans Zomer, CEO of Global Action Plan, the organisation providing expert support to the ‘Sustainable Kildare’ programme.

“Our challenge is good fun, but our research shows that the actions people take add up to have a big impact, and they also lead to long-term behavioural change, as people get used to their new climate-friendly habits,” continued Zomer.

During the first Sustainable Kildare climate challenge in November, the employees of 22 companies in County Kildare logged 12,780 climate smart activities, preventing the emission of over 19 tonnes of CO₂. If everyone in Ireland had followed their example, it would have resulted in a 36% reduction in our national greenhouse gas emissions.

“The Sustainable Kildare challenge highlights the simple and effective steps we all can take in everyday life to contribute to a greener future. We know that we need to reduce our collective carbon footprint, and we know that the vast majority of people in Ireland want to do their bit. And we also know that many people don’t know what actions to prioritise. The tools we use in the competition show the impact of a wide range of climate actions, and the power of small actions,” said Global Action Plan CEO, Hans Zomer.

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  • The three-week ‘Sustainable Kildare’ challenge is hosted by County Kildare Chamber and sponsored by Intel Ireland. More information about the programme is available at
  • The three-week campaign encourages staff of Kildare based companies to save as much CO₂ as possible, by registering daily, eco-friendly activities and making small changes in their lifestyle. Participating companies are supported by expert staff of Global Action Plan, using the Ducky platform. The Ducky app combines established behavioural science, fun and technology to mobilise individuals and organisations to take climate smart action.
  • For every company that participates in the challenge, there will be a number of trees planted in a specially chosen location in Kildare, which will ensure a lasting carbon legacy from the project.


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