In the last two years there has been an uprising of youth engagement on climate change and the challenges that this is presenting in their lives and how it will…
Following a visit to Global Action Plan’s Green Living and Sustainability (GLAS) Community Garden in December, the Lord Mayor of Dublin City Paul McAullife welcomed the Global Action Plan team…
“Our house is on fire” – Greta Thunburg explains the urgency we need to tackle the climate crisis. We have all heard and seen the devastating impact climate change…
This year we celebrated the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) on 20 November 1989 as part of our awareness raising…
The team at GAP Ireland have been hard at work updating our education programmes for 2019- 2020. As a result, we will ensure you receive the most current and up…
On Tuesday the 30th of July 2019 we attended the National Stakeholder Forum in Dublin Castle. This forum invited members of the public to discuss with and listen to Government…
This month is #PlasticFreeJuly Plastic Free July is a global movement that chooses to refuse single-use plastics and stop the harmful pollution and health impacts of plastic. New studies reveal…
“Sustainable Development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” –The Brundtland Commission, 1987 When we…
Nowadays, lots of us are choosing to sip on non-dairy milks instead of cow’s milk in an effort to minimize our carbon footprint. Did you know that oat milk is…
Follow our simple do’s and don’ts for the garden this Spring Garden, Wildlife and Compost: Don’t cut the grass just yet, wait until mid-March Do leave out water, and dry…