repairing clothes

Currently, we humans live in a TAKE, MAKE, WASTE model. We make products, consume them and then chuck them away, littering our planet in the process. But what if there was a different way to do things? A circular way?

Global Action Plan staff have been busy providing climate action training sessions for staff of several local authorities in Leinster. County Councils and Climate Action Ireland has recently committed to…

books on a table

Our work is informed by our experiences and by research. Here are some of the documents that document our learning to date.

Self-charging hybrid” cars. “Made with ocean plastic”. Green nuclear energy?! Companies know you want to be more environmentally friendly, so they like to tell us how much good they are…

Explore the topic of Fast Fashion through a global citizens perspective and dig in to the challenges, root causes consequences and solutions to an industry that has a huge impact…

Time for good climate action in schools. GAP Ireland have been working with schools for nearly thirty years, and in that time, we’ve learned a few things. We know that…

people sitting around a table discussing

Do you need to tackle a sustainability challenge in your business or explore challenges or barriers to action? One of our workshops can help you navigate the way forward and…

At Global Action Plan, we believe everyone can make a change. Our schools programme is aimed at supporting students, teachers and school communities in making a difference towards a healthier…

Transform your community At GAP, we believe that, in order to respond to the climate crisis, people must be empowered to participate in collective action. If we are to change…

Group photo outside Barretstown Castle

Engage your employees in your sustainability journey As a charity, we are unique in that we can support your ESG objectives, support Learning and Development all while supporting your CSR…

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