Global Action Plan staff have been busy providing climate action training sessions for staff of several local authorities in Leinster.

County Councils and Climate Action

Ireland has recently committed to an ambitious climate policy, with local authorities playing a crucial role. The Minister for the Environment, Climate, and Communications has developed a set of statutory guidelines, and by March of 2024 each local authority in the country will be required to prepare a local authority climate action plan for its area. Each plan will be valid for five years and will have to be consistent with the approved climate action plan. 

With local authorities now coming to the fore in climate action in Ireland, it is also becoming clear that local authority staff need support and climate training. With that in mind, the Local Authority Services National Training Group created the Local Authority Climate Action Training Programme, aimed at a range of different staff in Ireland’s county councils. 

The overarching goal of these training programmes is to strengthen and empower local authority climate action leadership, and to expand this climate action to the community. While this is only a small part of local authorities’ involvement in climate action, it is especially important as it provides the foundations for more local climate action. 

Why GAP?

At Global Action Plan, we have a track record of delivering training programmes and workshops for a diverse set of groups. We understand how to build needs driven programmes to encourage community led climate action. 

GAP strives to encourage behaviour change and climate action. However, behavioural change is a long process and requires long term commitment, so our training programme for local authorities lays the foundation for long term change in the communities. 

If you are interested in finding out more about our local authority training programme, or our other climate training options, please contact us

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