Every year, us humans take billions of tons of natural resources out of the Earth. In 2021 alone, we extracted a record 101 billion tonnes (101,000,000,000,000 kgs) of raw materials from the Earth.
At some point, in the not too distant future, we will have run out of materials to extract.
It is time to rethink how we treat the planet, and how we organise our societies.

It is time to get serious about recycling.

Here are some tips and suggestions on how you can reduce your waste, and do your bit to look after Mother Earth.
Here are some tips and suggestions on how you can reduce your waste, and do your bit to look after Mother Earth.

Recycling symbols – What do they mean?

We have more recycling options than ever, but knowing exactly what each of the recycling symbols and product labels mean is often not clear. Recycling is easy when you know how.

What plastic is recyclable? And how do you know? 

Watch this video, and handy infographic to learn more.

Beginning your Zero Waste journey


The average European throws away 500kg of waste each year; in Ireland that number is double.

Click here to learn how to start changing that.

Meet our Recycled Plastic Bottle Greenhouse

The Recycled Plastic Bottle Greenhouse is one of the outstanding features of the Green Living and Sustainability (GLAS) Community Garden in Ballymun. Here is the story of this unique greenhouse

Take Action on Waste

Some tips on how to reduce your waste.

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