Global Action Plan has published a briefing sheet with energy saving tips.

The briefing sheet follows on the launch by the Government, earlier this year, of the ‘Reduce Your Use’ campaign, which promotes and encourages energy efficiency and highlights the support available to households and businesses.

People all over Ireland are currently struggling with record energy prices, and many are really worried about the costs of heating their homes now – let alone in the coming winter. There is widespread recognition that energy affordability is a real problem, and a social justice issue.

At present, there is a lot being done to transition Irish society away from a reliance on expensive and polluting energy sources, and that is hugely positive. But this is a long-term process, and people are looking for more immediate solutions to their rising energy costs.

With our energy saving tips, we hope to assist people with practical suggestions, that are easy to understand – and implement.

Global Action Plan’s energy saving tips focus on home heating, cooking and everyday habits.

The energy saving tips are available on our website:

        • Download as PDF: 

        • Read online:

As an organisation focused on behavioural change, we know that people don’t change their habits simply because they have read a helpful article with practical tips. Although many energy efficiency measures have been proven to be highly cost-effective, many people are yet to introduce them, even people who say they are worried about their energy costs, or about global warming.

But people do change. Behaviour change can occur when people’s knowledge and values meet with the right opportunity, and when people see that others are leading by example.

That is why one of our top tips is about ‘speaking out’:

By talking about the practical ways each of us can save energy, we make it easier for others to consider the options, and learn how easy it is to save energy, save money, and help save the planet.

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