Follow our simple do’s and don’ts for the garden this Spring
Garden, Wildlife and Compost:
- Don’t cut the grass just yet, wait until mid-March
- Do leave out water, and dry dog or cat food for hedgehogs, after dark, leave out food and cover what is left in the morning.
- Do clean out the old bird boxes in the garden and put up new ones. The best places to have them are in sheltered areas facing northeast.
- Don’t turn the compost heap just yet. Wait until April, as small mammals, frogs and insects may still be hibernating there.
Indoor Growing

- Do sow tomato and cucumber seeds in warm conditions like inside a greenhouse or beside a sun-facing window.
- Do encourage seed potatoes to sprout before planting by chitting. You can do this by placing them on a tray beside a warm, windowsill for 6-8 weeks before planting in the ground.
- Do Start early and sow your summer cabbage and Brussels sprouts on a seed tray or in a polytunnel and keep them under a cover (e.g. a plastic sheet).
Outdoor growing
See also:
- The Irish spud – GAP’s practical tips on how to grow your own potatoes
- From Food Scraps to Treats – GAP’s tips on how to reduce food waste
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