Awards Through the Years

Global Action Plan’s work has been granted dozens of awards throughout the years.  These awards range from the local, national, to even international level. Needless to say, none of this would have been possible without the hard work of our staff and the wonderful people that participate in our programmes.


Our ACT adult education programme was shortlisted for the Aontas Star Awards 2025, in the category of Adult Learning Initiatives that Support Global Citizenship Education.

spider awards 2025 finalist badge

Our innovative Funds Industry Climate Challenge was named Finalist in the Sustainability Impact category of the 2025 Spider Awards 


Our Funds Industry Climate Challenge initiative was nominated as a Finalist for the All Ireland Sustainability Awards 2024, in the category “Stakeholder Initiative of the Year”.

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The GLAS garden in Ballymun won 2nd place in the Community Gardens category at the Dublin City Neighbourhoods Awards 2024, and was named North West Area Winner.

Our GLAS programme of social inclusion and environmental education was nominated as a Finalist for the Pakman 2024 Awards, in the Environmental Education and Community Initiative category.


Our CEO Hans Zomer was awarded CEO of the Year – Environmental Services by CEO Magazine.

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The GLAS community garden in Ballymun was awarded Best Community Garden at the Ballymun Tidy Town Competition 2023 awards ceremony in September.

Our Funds Industry Climate Challenge initiative won Silver at the All Ireland Sustainability Awards 2023, in the category “Stakeholder Initiative of the Year”.
The GLAS community garden was also shortlisted for an award, in the “Social Sustainability, Diversity and Inclusion” category.

The GLAS garden in Ballymun won Third Place in the Best Community Garden category at the Dublin County Council North West Area City Neighbourhood awards ceremony.


The GLAS community garden in Ballymun was awarded:

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Second place at the Dublin City Neighbourhood Awards Community Gardens, and Best Community Garden 2022 at the Dublin County Council North West Area City Neighbourhood

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Best Community Garden – Ballymun Tidy Town Competition 2022


Our collaboration with Young Ballymun was shortlisted for the 2021 Charity Impact Award for Small Organisations.

The GLAS Community Garden won first prize in the Community Gardens category, in the Dublin City Northwest Area Neighbourhoods Competition.

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The garden also won 3rd prize in the Community Garden section of Ballymun Tidy Towns awards held on 16th November 2021.


Shortlisted as NGO of the Year in the Green Awards

Accenture Digital Media Awards finalist for Water Explorer

National Heritage Awards, shortlisted project Discovering Biodiversity


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Overall winners in the Best Sustainability Initiative in the business category of the Dublin City Council Area Awards

Regional winners in the Best Sustainability Initiative in the business category of the Dublin North-West Area. The GLAS garden (“Virgin Mary community garden”) took 1st place in the community garden category.

Accenture Digital Media Awards Finalist –  Best Public Life category (Water Explorer programme)



Eir Spider Awards finalist in two categories:

  • Best Charity & Not-for-Profit
  • Best Digital Start-Up (Water Explorer programme)


Finalist, Best Event Organised By A Community Group, National Heritage Week Awards

Senior Community Development Category winner for Urban Wildlife Project, Eco Unesco Young Environmentalist Awards

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Highly Commended, Notice Nature Biodiversity Award for Ballymun – National Tidy Towns Competition


Winner, Envirocom Awards in Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council

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Winner, Notice Nature Biodiversity Award for Ballymun – National Tidy Towns Competition



Winner, Eco-Action Team Programme Competition & Runner-up Community Environmental Programme, Dublin City Council North West Area City Neighbourhoods Awards

Best Sustainability Initiative Category in the Business Competition, Dublin City Neighbourhoods Awards



Winner, Notice Nature Biodiversity Award for Dublin region – National Tidy Towns Competition




Lead agency winning Fairtrade Town of the Year for Ballymun, Dublin


Runner-up, Best Example of Waste Management (Shangan Recycling Centre), Dublin City Council North West Area City Neighbourhoods Competition




Runner-up, Best Environment Initiatives and Best Example of Waste Management (Community Recycling Centre) in the Dublin City Neighbourhoods Awards



Vodafone Ireland: Future Leaders Programme


SEAI: Education Programme




CVI/ESB: Schools Programme




CVI/ESB: Community Recycling Centre


Living Dublin Certificate for Community Recycling Centre




Henry Ford European Conservation

Learn with GAP

Our planet is in trouble; we all must unite to halt environmental degradation and climate chaos.
At Global Action Plan, we offer a range of opportunities for people of all walks of life to take charge of change, by learning about the causes and solutions to our environmental crisis. Through our workshops and programmes we can offer you the support to discover your power to make a difference.

Go to our Education and Training section to find out more about our workshops or go to our Guides to Action page to get guidance on how to start actions for a sustainable world now.

Volunteer with GAP

Volunteering with GAP is a great way to engage in meaningful volunteer work, while further supporting our society to learn eco-friendly life lessons.

For example, volunteering opportunities can be found at our GLAS Community Garden in Ballymun, where we provide people from disadvantaged communities opportunities to learn new skills in organic gardening and ‘green living’ skills. And it is also a great space for anyone who wants to experience the joys of being out in the open, planting and gardening.

We welcome both individual and group volunteers to our garden. Contact us if you want to discuss this option further. 

Partner with GAP

At Global Action Plan, we support people who are trying to reduce their environmental impact. And we know that there are many different ways in which this can be achieved. We need to protect our planet, and we all must do what we can. 

That is why we work with a diverse range of partners: grassroots organisations, schools, local government and businesses, all working towards a shared aim. And our partnerships take many different forms. We have joint programmes with some, we deliver workshops and services to others, and we receive expert advice or financial support from many others. 

Please get in touch, to discuss what partnership model best suits you and your organisation.

Help us in our work by donating 

 Our expert support to community groups and schools all over Ireland costs money: it takes staff time to help communities organise, learn and develop joint plans of action. 

And we can’t do this work without your support. 
We appreciate any support you can give us.  Please click on the button below to donate.
Our promise to you is that your money will be well spent.

Find us on:

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