GAP are hosting an action packed orienteering event for European Mobility Week this year. Focusing on sustainable transport and cycling safety the orienteering-style transport trail is suitable for the whole family.

Join the transport trail, free of charge.

Everyone is encouraged to bring their wheels – skates, bikes scooters, etc.

The event is free to attend at 4pm on Wednesday 21st September.

Registration at the lake Poppintree Park, Ballymun.






This year’s EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK theme of Smart and sustainable mobility – an investment for Europe, refers to the close ties between transport and economics.

In 2016, EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK is encouraging local politicians and the public to look at smart and sustainable mobility as an investment for Europe.


GAP’s Sustainable Transport event is registered on the global list of MOBILITYACTIONS along with a number of other events happening across the country.

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