Earlier this month, the ESRI published new research into attitudes towards climate change which provides great hope for the future. 

The report shows that young people are ready and willing to make the type of fundamental lifestyle changes that are needed to halt further climate chaos. 

Young respondents to the survey indicated, for instance, that they support bans on short haul flights, fines for climate polluters and mandatory renewable energy. 

Importantly, however, the ESRI notes that there is a stubborn gap between people’s stated intentions and their climate actions. And it also observes that respondents credited activities such as recycling and avoiding littering with more impact than they actually have. 

Bridging the Say-Do Gap

At Global Action Plan we have built up expertise in how to bridge the gap between stated intentions and tangible action. And we have the tools to help people translate their climate concerns into meaningful behavioural change. 

In the summer of 2023, we will be hosting Ireland’s first climate competition for businesses. In this competition, employees of Irish companies can compete against their colleagues, and against other businesses, to reduce their CO2 emissions as much as possible. The aim of the competition is to show how each person can take simple and effective steps to reduce the climate footprint of their daily activities. 

A national climate competition

This national competition is one way of linking the existing and widespread support for more ambitious climate action to the science of climate smart living. 

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