Earth Day 2022:
Plant A Tree with GAP

At Global Action Plan, we work to support people and communities, to help bring about the transformational change our world needs.

We believe that everyone holds the power to make a difference. That we can use our influence as members of our community, as students, as employees, as citizens, as consumers and as role models, to bring about bold, creative and innovative solutions to the world’s problems.

We know that we need change at all levels: governments, businesses, financial institutions and households. And we believe that change can happen if we change the rules and change mindsets. And we believe in leading by example: our actions can inspire others to follow suit, or to develop their own solutions.

This Earth Day, you can celebrate your power.
Plant a tree for the Planet.

Earth Day is an annual event that takes place on 22 April and that celebrates environmental awareness initiatives around the world.

There are many things you can do this Earth Day.

But this year, we are asking you to plant a tree in the Global Action Plan forest.

We have made it easy for you.

We have partnered with two reputable organisations specialised in fully accredited reforestation and land management programmes.

  • Home Tree – an organisation encouraging land regeneration and biodiversity through afforestation, restoration and education in Ireland.
  • Tree-Nation – the largest reforestation platform that allows citizens and companies to plant trees all around the world.

So go ahead, click on these links to plant trees for Earth Day:

See also:
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