Today marks The World Health Organisation’s World Mental Health Day 2016.

At GAP we believe that community gardens are part of our ideal sense of what a community should be. And so their value is priceless. Each autumn, the culinary benefits of gardening overflow into our kitchens. But the benefits of horticulture extend much further….


We often read studies citing gardening to lower stress. Gardening Promotes Neuroendocrine and Affective Restoration from Stress by Agnes E. Van Den Berg is a great example. In our opinion there is no more tangible measure of one’s power to cause positive change in the world than to nurture a plant from seed.

Gardening provides moderate-intensity exercise and exposure to sunlight and vitamin D. As we age, diminishing dexterity and strength in the hands can gradually narrow our range of activities. Gardening keeps those hand muscles vigorous and agile!


Joining a community garden can help people connect with others, reducing feelings of isolation. It makes us more active, getting us outdoors and gaining both physical and mental health benefits.

Join today…

Community Gardens 2016_Final For PRINT


Or for more information on gardening, biodiversity and green living workshops for schools, communities or groups visit:
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