Cork’s Berrings NS were announced National Winners of  Water Explorer 2016 and will go on to compete in the GLOBAL FINALS later this year in London.

Water Explorer is an innovative and global online platform, engaging pupils aged 8-14 years in water conservation.

The award honours the pupils for their outstanding efforts in taking action to protect and conserve our fresh water, and for excelling in the areas of awareness raising and community outreach.


National Water Explorer Winners Berrings NS from Cork photographed with Eco Eye’s Duncan Stewart and Alan Duffy, CEO, HSBC Ireland.


Teacher Maryellen O’Driscoll from Berrings National School says that her pupils were thrilled to receive the accolade, “Our Water Explorer journey has been ACTION PACKED! Not only have we found ways to reduce our water footprint at school, but pupils have  spread that knowledge at home and in the local community. The programme is a great balance of project based learning, competition and fun, and we would highly recommend it to other schools.”


Our Water Explorer ambassador Duncan Stewart congratulated the pupils,

“I want to say a big well done to the pupils of Berrings NS and their teacher on their fantastic achievement. They have set a wonderful example for all of us to follow in recognising the importance of water conservation and in making every drop count.

By each of us making our own small but vital contribution, together we can make a big difference to the world in which we live.”

Vanessa Moore, CEO, Global Action Plan praised the pupils in becoming a new generation of water-conscious citizen, “Access to clean water is one of the most urgent problems of our time. As water explorers, pupils at Berrings NS have seen for themselves the importance and value of water and have undergone a process of personal discovery around this precious resource.

We are so proud for what they have achieved and for being leaders among their peers in championing the importance of water to life as we know it, and the need to preserve it for future generations.”


And to follow in their footsteps, schools can now pre-register for our Water Explorer 2016/17 programme at



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