Preparing the Beds

The end of winter is often more predictable than this year, but don’t worry, you can still start on your garden! Even with the extra wet soil, we are preparing the ground for seed at the Green Living and Sustainability (GLAS) Community Garden. Throughout the winter, we covered the beds with cardboard and mulch. Since then, we have dug it into the soil to condition it once it breaks down. This is also a great trick for preventing an invasion of weeds! As you begin preparing the soil for seeds, place your hand on the ground to measure temperatures. If it feels too cold to the touch, plant the seeds indoors and wait to put them in the ground. Remember, our crops are all unique! Some plants prefer compost and fertiliser at least two weeks before seeds go in the ground. You can also do this at the end of Autumn, before placing cardboard on your beds for winter.

Sowing Seeds

Many seeds cannot handle volatile weather outdoors when they first begin to sprout. Instead, plant them in seed trays and watch them sprout on your windowsills or in your greenhouse. At GLAS, we have many sprouts beginning to show, which is always exciting! A key part of GLAS is empowering people to live sustainable lives through grow-your-own practices. To do this, we host demonstrations on healthy growing tips and recipes. In the end, volunteers can even take home what they helped to grow!  

Planning for the Year

As we plan for the year ahead, one of our focal points is the pond. We intend to increase the size of the pond to make it a better wildlife habitat. We plan on joining the two ponds and sloping the sides so that any small creatures that get into the water can get out easier. Additionally, we will add plants for shelter and food. It’s great to have a water feature in your own garden! But, you don’t need to dig a pond to provide wildlife the benefits of water. Leaving buckets or shallow dishes outdoors, which you can fill or let fill with rainwater, is a great resource for pollinators or birds. This is especially important during times of drought!

Plants for Pollinators

We plan on making the garden friendlier for wildlife by planting new plants & trees for shelter and food. Our aim is to focus on supporting pollinators and providing sheltered space for movement. Simple acts like placing plants closer together can create corridors that help animals travel through your garden

Volunteering at GLAS

Volunteers are the heart and soul of the GLAS Community Garden. Join us from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays to learn how to grow your own food, create compost, promote pollinators, and other sustainable practices from our horticulturalist Sharon!
See also:
Planting Potatoes
Garden Do's & Don'ts
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