In the lead-up to Christmas, it is often questionable whether one can really be sustainable, and if possible, how a ‘green’ Christmas can actually be achieved.
As it turns out, it is possible, and GAP Ireland is here to give you the top tips and tricks on how to do so!
GAP Ireland has now launched a new online initiative centred on promoting an eco-friendly Christmas, whereby we share our favourite ways to increase Christmas sustainability and get the best out of your holiday cheers!
For Day One, we are dealing with the theme of ‘Energy.’
Christmas is a holiday where a mass of energy is used up, by both individuals and corporations; reaching a record high in 2020 of 5,100 megawatts (MW) in Ireland. We all contribute to this enormous use of energy, and we all can do something about it.
For instance, you can minimise the energy usage of your Christmas lights by choosing LED lights. A novel investment into ‘smart plugs,’ or a smart home app, can allow you to switch on or off the Christmas lights remotely – which will also lead to smaller electricity bills in January – it’s a win-win! Another great energy and money saver are solar-powered outdoor lights.
In the kitchen, try to minimise the amount of time you leave your fridge door open, and avoid putting warm food in the fridge, as it takes a significant amount of energy for refrigerators to cool the air again after it has been warmed up. Switching off your hob or oven and using residual heat during the last few minutes of cooking, and using pot lids while boiling, are simple and cost-saving methods for reducing energy usage.
So, this Christmas, try to think about the smaller, more scalable changes that you can make to ensure a safer, more cost-effective, and festive Christmas break!