GAP Ireland are delighted to be working with BrandNew2U, a Young Social Innovators project from transition year students in Colaiste Bride, Dublin 22.

Brand New 2 U is based around encouraging students all over the country to make more ethical fashion decisions.

They have teamed up with NCBI stores to encourage students to go to their local retail branch and get to know the fantastic options that are on offer. NCBI have opened an invitation for a group of interested students to visit their stores during their BrandNew2U week. They can take over their local shop front to create outfits that young people will be interested in. They will then promote this in their schools and through their social media.

To help other schools get on board with the project, GAP has developed two lessons that teachers can use to raise awareness of the social and environmental impacts of fast fashion and the different ways they can get involved with BrandNew2U. You can download the lessons and accompanying presentation below.

For more information and to sign up, click here! Don’t forget to follow BrandNew2U on Twitter and Instagram to hear the latest about this amazing project.

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