On Wednesday March 7th last GAP teamed with Accenture (global management consulting, technology services..) and worked on developing a garden space for one of our local community groups, the Ashling project, in Ballymun.  The Accenture volunteers along with myself and colleagues worked hard clearing the garden site, and preparing a 50m section for the planting of a native Irish hedge row, no easy feat!!  It was inspiring to see the enthusiasm of the team of 12 volunteers. They have left a usable and valuable space for the local children for the future development and planting of this garden.

The volunteers visited other community projects such as the  Muck & Magic Community garden, the Ashling project, the Reco Youth center,  the Ecostore, furniture recycling, repaint scheme and  the recyclable projects.  A great opportunity for Accenture to see the valuable work that GAP does within the community and the positive supportive relationships we share with our social partners.

I will not sum the day up in one word, as it would not do the volunteers justice, but as the song goes, “what a difference a day makes”….and it certainly has to all of us!!

Thank you, Máire

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