We all know we need to accelerate the transition to a cleaner, healthier way of organising our lives, where we pollute less and use our natural resources more wisely.

But how do we ensure that our collective move towards a climate-neutral society happens in a fair way, protecting those most exposed to the side effects of the changes we need to make, and those most at risk of the – direct and indirect – impacts of climate chaos?

Based on our experiences of working with urban and rural communities, Global Action Plan Ireland has joined the call for greater urgency in the establishment of a “Just Transition Commission”; a body to be established by Government, to facilitate dialogue among government, trade unions, employers, affected communities and civil society organisations.

Ireland has access to significant funds to help shape the much needed Just Transition, including €169m of EU funding for the Irish Just Transition Fund. These funds, and the new policy frameworks put in place in recent years nationally and locally, provide a genuine opportunity to affect meaningful change.

The Just Transition Commission can be a vital tool to ensure that we use those opportunities wisely and fairly.

For more information, see: https://ictu.ie/blog/delivering-just-transition-blog-advance-national-climate-stakeholder-forum-may-2023

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