Global Action Plan has developed a toolkit that will be used by community groups all over Ireland.
According to Alex Whyatt, Programme Manager at Global Action Plan:
“The toolkit we are launching today will help groups across Ireland understand how climate action is connected to local and international challenges. It will support groups to take action on climate-related issues in their local area.”
The Online Toolkit (download here) has activities that explore the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including climate action, responsible consumption, gender equality, health, and sustainable cities. It offers community group facilitators and adult educators a range of resources to build knowledge about, and act on, the SDGs.
“These goals are global, and they represent a road map towards a better world for everyone. But making them happen takes work at local level. This toolkit is aimed at supporting the many committed community groups and active adult learners who are keen to make a difference to their local communities,” Whyatt said.
Developed with input from local groups across the country, and with financial support from Irish Aid, the toolkit brings groups on a journey from introducing the SDGs to taking informed action. Their modular design allows groups to explore the topics that are central to their interests, with activities, videos and suggestions for action.
The toolkit has been developed by Global Action Plan, an environmental NGO based in Ballymun, specialised in working with community groups, businesses, and schools.
The toolkit can be downloaded here (fill out a form)

“Through our work with adults and community groups in Ireland, we have developed activities that appeal to a wide range of learners. The Toolkit highlights how the work of local initiatives across Ireland is linked to the major global challenges of our time – wealth inequality, gender inequality, over-consumption and public health.
This programme is leading the way by supporting groups to discover the issues with a user-friendly platform that provokes thought and action,” said Whyatt.
The materials for the ACT online toolkit have been developed through workshops rolled out over three years of the Irish Aid funded programme. Groups involved have included Tidy Towns committees, women’s networks, Youthreach programmes, and lifelong learning groups. Each of these groups has been supported by the ACT programme to connect their action projects to the SDGs.
This global view is vital to building more resilient, planet-friendly communities.
“At Global Action Plan Ireland we believe that if we want to find solutions to global problems, we need to take inspiration from the changes each of us can make. These changes are more powerful when we work together.
Knowing about the SDGs can make the work of local action groups much more impactful, and can open new opportunities for funding to amplify the fantastic work that goes on at a local level. ” said Hans Zomer, CEO of Global Action Plan.
“We hope our material will inspire groups all over the country. Anyone interested in learning more, or simply just curious about how grassroots action can help build a better world, is invited to sign up for our workshops, or to follow us on social media at @GAPireland,” continued Zomer.

The toolkit has been developed by Global Action Plan, with funding from Irish Aid.
The toolkit can be accessed at:
and a pdf version is available after filling out this form:
See also: