GAP International has a rich history supporting the adoption of Education for Sustainable Development in thousands of schools across Ukraine. 

Today, during these unthinkable times, where Ukrainian citizens are experiencing untold horrors due to Russian’s invasion, the GAP International community is again working to support Ukraine’s teachers and their students in the extremely difficult circumstances they are facing.

This campaign is coordinated by our UK partner organisation.

Ukraine Lessons for Sustainable Development project

Between 2010 and 2015 Global Action Plan International’s partnership project with Teachers for Democracy and Partnership (TDP) trained over 5000 teachers in 1500 schools in Ukraine.

The project, called ‘Ukraine, Lessons for Sustainable Development’ (ESD) engaged 200K+ pupils in a programme of integrated environmental education and provided 100K textbooks to schools across the country. The GAP International ESD project also worked with 60 teachers from 30 schools in Ukraine, representing 1000+ young people, who are all currently safe as they are in regions that have not been occupied by Putin’s forces.

Supporting Ukrainian teachers and students

Under immensely challenging situations in Ukraine at present, these committed teachers, school leaders and their pupils desperately need support to continue their great work.

Through the trauma and terror, these dedicated teachers are, despite all odds, determined to continue to educate and support their students. It’s difficult to imagine the challenges they face and the circumstances in which they find themselves, but they know how much their students need them and they are committed to finding a way to make it happen.

GAP International Ukrainian associates Galina Gupan and Olena Zarichna – who led the ESD project – are now leading efforts to directly support the cohort of 60 teachers from 30 schools that remain open and work with them to co-create an integrated package of support for those teachers and their pupils that have been displaced.

How you can help:

We are calling for donations to support the work of this campaign that will go directly to supporting Ukraine’s teachers and their students.

Donate at:

Your contributions will directly help Ukrainian teachers and their student with the following:

  • Contribute to production of materials for teacher and pupils: €15+
  • Fund internet access and software licences for one teacher: €10
  • Fund a Saturday school lesson for up to 20 pupils: €40
  • Fund professional support for up to 10 teachers for one month: €450
  • Provide trauma support for up to 10 teachers for a month: €480
  • Purchase of a laptop or tablet for a teacher that does not have one: €500
See also:
Help us support Ukrainian teachers
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