Water Air Food Awards (WAFA)


Microsoft Word - Global WAF Youth Award Invitation.docx

– Water Explorer

One of the schools who participated in the Water Explorer programme have gained international recognition for their incredible efforts in water conservation and promoting global water issues.

Convent of Mercy National School in Kanturk, Cork have won the Water Air and Food Youth Award 2016 which will be presented to their school on Monday 20th March at 10am….and if you have availability they would love if you could come?! This award has never been won in Ireland before.

They have already produced this video of their Water Explorer experience as part of their prize: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YG3LZSWock So they are an enthusiastic bunch!

With the school we are hosting a special award event. Multi-award winning SOCIAL ACTIVIST Ayrton Cable from London is visiting Cork to present the prize money and GLOBAL WAF Youth Award.

Founding WAFA Youth at age 11, Ayrton aims to encourage a whole generation of young people to be part of the solution to feeding everyone and ensuring safe water.



– Recognising the Silent Heroes among Us

logo_WAFA_Youth Many people help their communities. But often they are not recognised. After a while these silent heroes can lose inspiration and drive. WAFA gives them a global stage to share their achievements with the world. That is the idea behind the WAFA Awards, to inspire and share the good in people everywhere. And the WAFA Youth Award is a very important part of this effort.

Exceptional pioneers in water, air and food security, of any age and from any place, can apply for a WAFA award. International experts select the top projects. Then, the public all around the world gets to vote for their favourite project. The one with the most votes wins! A WAFA crew goes to film the winners projects on site to make a documentary. WAFA also celebrates their achievements at an Award ceremony broadcast around the world.

WAFA is an international volunteer organization that runs on crowdfunding.

It is a signatory to the UN Global Compact, the EU Pledge to Peace and and member of World Green Design Organization.


– Silent Heroes: The Documentary

Silent Heroes gives a voice to compassionate pioneers in water, air and food security. Their simple, powerful breakthroughs are helping desperate communities transform themselves. Viewers get to share their trials and triumphs in this drama of hope made real: a salute to life.

Silent Heroes is a work in progress and we will keep you up to date on its development!

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