Making space for change

Global Action Plan aims to inspire people to become ‘change makers’.
We equip individuals and communities with knowledge and skills to develop solutions to the environmental and climate crises. 
We deliver programmes for community groups, schools and businesses, in areas ranging from environmental education and climate action, to global citizenship, the Sustainable Development Goals and community transformation.

We support

   Click to find out more how we can support you on your climate action journey

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Community Garden

Learn more about our GLAS Community Gardens, our unique outdoor learning and community hubs in Ballymun and Blanchardstown. Visit, volunteer or simply come down and enjoy the tranquility.

Organic Growing
Social Inclusion
Learning Center
Act Now!
Help us support under served communities around Ireland by ensuring our Climate Action programmes are available to all

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what people say

Working with GAP over the past few months to develop an online education capability in the organisation has been a sheer pleasure. The organisation is comprised of a wise, innovative and collaborative team who are excellently managing growth while being open to new ideas.

Maébh – DóCent Training

Maébh – DóCent Training


YoungBallymun have worked with GAP on a number of different projects over the last two years including our Nature Explorer programme for Children. We have found GAP to be an excellent partner, extremely professional and very open to exploring new ideas and programmes.

Cathy – YoungBallymun

Cathy – YoungBallymun

Social & Emotional Wellbeing Programmes Coordinator

Dublin City Council Ballymun has collaborated with GAP on many extremely successful community, environmental, educational and social inclusion initiatives.

The quality of work and service provided by GAP employees has always been of a very high and professional standard and this has assisted Dublin City Council in its role of engaging and empowering community representatives to participate more in meaningful local issues.

Ciaran Mahony – Dublin City Council

Ciaran Mahony – Dublin City Council

Ballymun Area Community Officer
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