Partner With GAP

To ensure that our programmes serve people of all ages, abilities and levels of advantage, we seek partners, businesses, and friends to invest in Global Action Plan’s mission of empowering people to take effective action on sustainability.

You can partner with GAP through joint programmes, volunteering, sponsorship or donations. Whichever form of support you choose: you are helping communities all over Ireland discover their power to make a change.

Sponsor a Programme

We know the importance of keeping our programmes accessible to everyone, especially to those who cannot pay for our services. We have a history of delivering programmes in under-served communities in North Dublin and elsewhere, and we are proud of our roots in the Ballymun community.

Your support can help us continue to support people experiencing disadvantage and marginalisation, and will have a direct impact on the delivery and implementation of our programmes.

Children in a classroom
Download our sponsorship brochure

Become a GAP Corporate Patron

By becoming a Patron, you join an extraordinary group of people and organisations who share our passion for evidence-based change. 

Text on a green background
Click on the image to learn more

Add Us To Your Donations Platform

      • Do your employees generously support charities directly from their pay each month?
      • Are you looking to give your employees an option to support an environmental organisation?
  • You can support our work through online platforms such as Benevity, Paypal Gives and Amplify – and encourage your staff to become regular contributors to our work.


Donate Now

Please donate to GAP today: Simply navigate to our donations page or make a contribution to our programmes by clicking the button below. 

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