Intel 2022

Intel Ireland announces partnership with Global Action Plan:

On 25 January, Intel Ireland announced a year-long partnership with Global Action Plan. (Read the Intel announcement here)

As part of its support for initiatives in the areas of volunteering, community involvement and environmental protection, the company each year selects a charity for Intel employees to dedicate their combined efforts towards.

“All of us at Global Action Plan are delighted to be Intel’s signature charity for 2022. Intel has already provided valuable support to our work by sponsoring the ‘Sustainable Kildare’ initiative, and with their support over the coming year we can really grow our activities, assisting communities as they take action to protect the environment and our climate,” said Hans Zomer, CEO of Global Action Plan.

Through the partnership, Intel employees will volunteer their time and raise funds in support of Global Action Plan (GAP). Funds raised will go towards a carbon offsetting programme, through GAP’s tree planting partners Hometree and Tree Nation, and Global Action Plan’s ‘Nature Explorer’ social inclusion programme in Ballymun.

Intel employees will have the opportunity to volunteer their time to support the GAP programmes. Intel and GAP will also work together on a number of events and initiative throughout the year, such as the ‘Demystifying Carbon’ workshop organised by GAP for Intel staff, which will take place in early February.

“At Global Action Plan, we take pride in our ability to work with people from very different backgrounds, supporting them to discover their power as citizens, and their impact as change makers. This partnership with Intel will be extremely important, as we seek to support more communities in taking evidence based decisions that help bring lasting changes to their individual, and our collective, environmental impact,” concluded Global Action Plan CEO Hans Zomer.

Drumcondra Education Centre 2009 -13

Delivery of Department of Education approved teacher training courses:

Drumcondra-Education-Centre In conjunction with DEC GAP delivered a Department of Education approved week-long teacher training courses, focusing on practical ways of delivering the SESE primary science National Curriculum. The courses covered both environmental education in the classroom and setting up school gardens.

SOURCE: Department of Education – External review 2007:

This course provided an excellent balance between theory and its practical application to the school setting. The course providers were acutely aware of the importance of enabling the participants to both engage in practical activities and participate in discussions related to the application of both topics to their particular schools.

Each day incorporated both lectures and practical workshops. highly comprehensive lectures, providing a through insight into the concepts, were complemented by subsequent practical activities that were designed to enable the teachers to apply their newfound knowledge in situations that mirrored the school setting. In addition, one presenter also shared her experience of designing school gardens in urban settings.

The three presenters admirably complemented one another as they each possessed a different area of expertise/experience. Each presenter was highly knowledgeable in her field, was thoroughly prepared, presented her lecture/workshop in a structured manner and comprehensively addresses the participants’ queries. The sessions reflected the objectives as identified in course timetable. The presentation style was admirably varied. This was facilitated by the varied expertise and presentation style of three presenters themselves and further enhanced by the fact that each day was designed to incorporate both lectures and related practical workshops. 

BODYSHOP 2007 – 09

Action in Schools Europe’ (Body Shop funded 3 year international project):


Development and delivery of this joint funded schools initiative between GAP Ireland, Poland and UK running energy based, youth-led action projects in primary and secondary schools.

“Action on Energy is helping us to build a network of teacher and students working together with a common objective,” 
Teacher, St Aidan’s Community School.

“It worked really well and at a suitable level for the children,” Lead Teacher, Virgin Mary Boys National Primary School.

Schools feedback – Poland: “I wish to continue such actions and next year to begin my study of Environmental Engineering. I hope to form such a team again to run a similar energy campaign.”

“Such a campaign should be run all the time,” 
Student, Maria Curie Joint Secondary School.


Lets Talk Science, Ballymun Science Festival (2015 & 2016):

The festival is organised and delivered by the Rediscovery Centre and GAP with support from Science Foundation Ireland and in association with Dublin City Council. The aim is to celebrate and promote the contributions that science makes to society – past, present and future, and to encourage and inspire public awareness of science and technology.

The festival aimed to make science more accessible and meaningful for the local community and the general public through fun and interactive workshops. This festival is a result of successful collaboration between the two organisations, bringing together complementary skills for the benefit of the community.

In 2015 >1,500 people participated in the festival over 4 days.

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